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310-LASERXX (310-527-3799)

Remove Dark Spots with the PicoSure™

No matter how hard you try, it’s impossible to avoid the sun completely, or to avoid growing older! That doesn’t mean you have to live with unwanted dark spots. With PicoSure laser dark spot removal, you can reverse the signs of sun damage and aging and start seeing a clearer complexion when you look in the mirror.


How Does Laser Sun Spot Removal Work?

The PicoSure uses laser light pulses to reach deep below the surface of the skin and remove hyperpigmentation. The energy from the laser breaks up dark spots into smaller particles that are then naturally eliminated through the immune system. Sun spots on the face, neck, chest, arms, hands and legs begin to fade following dark spot reduction treatment, so you can feel confident showing off your skin again. Laser brown spot removal works on most skin types, both darker tones and lighter, without harming the surrounding skin.

What to Expect During Brown Spot Reduction

Depending on the size and darkness of your sun spots, multiple sessions may be needed to achieve the best results. PicoSure laser dark spot removal can cause slight discomfort in some patients, but a cooling cream can be applied prior to treatment to help alleviate any pain. Brown spot reduction treatments have few side effects, which typically include some minor swelling and redness that can last for a few hours. Although patient experience may vary, most patients can return to their normal routines immediately following this procedure with no downtime.


Learn more about brown spot removal and call today for a free consultation!

Before & After Age Spot Removal